NailsPOS App
NailsPOS is built at the request of Nails Salon Owners; helpful features, nice design, easy to use.
You can manage anywhere, unlimited users, and unlimited storage of data.
Go to the Apple Store, search for NailsPOS download to iPAD register for a FREE, no need to put in Credit Card in or sign any contract.
Feature of NailsPOS
  • Customer Sign-in
  • Allocate Customers to Workers
  • Hints to calculate Turns
  • Store Customer Information
  • Notes for each Customer
  • Smart book appointment
  • Appointment reminder
  • Send Promotional SMS
  • Gift Cards Sales & Report
  • Award point program
  • End day report
  • Payroll report
  • Tip report
  • Ticket sales report
  • Profit and loss report
  • Feedback report
  • Customer's consent form store
Make Nail Owner's Life Easier